
4 Steps for a Perfect Job Interview

By August 20, 2013 No Comments

Job interviews are harrowing enough for candidates without feeling like a downright interrogation. Many ideas have been tossed around on how to conduct the absolute best job interview, and the answers vary across the board. Shala Marks wrote on four ways to conduct the absolute best job interview. Hopefully, you can use these tips to get a better sense of your candidates and hire even better talent.

Professional and Friendly. This line is surprisingly easy to walk. You want to be professional, as you are representing your business in the interview. You should be organized, clear, and direct. However, many candidates are incredibly nervous, especially first-time interviewees. By taking a more friendly and understanding approach, you’ll put them (and yourself) at ease.

Open-Ended. Don’t make your questions all yes-or-no. Open-ended questions require candidates to really talk. This is a great opportunity to learn more about a candidate: how the view themselves, how comfortable they are, how confident they are, etc.

Ample Question Time.  You should give your candidates the chance to ask you questions as well. To do this, you should have plenty of time at the end of your interview for them to comfortably clear things up.

Clear Follow-Up. Thank the candidate for their time and be straightforward about follow-up instructions, such as later interviews. Don’t make any promises you can’t make, though. And when you do follow up, do so in a timely fashion.

Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.  

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