Leadership and career

Executive Search Firm Techniques for Building a Motivational Corporate Culture

By September 12, 2012 No Comments

When it comes to building a successful company, one capable of attracting high quality talent, retaining employees, and meeting with success, corporate culture is everything. However, the development and maintenance of that culture is entirely dependent on solid management leading a company’s employees in the right direction and ensuring everyone remains enthusiastic and motivated in their roles. Unfortunately, given the weakened condition of the economy, where once companies sought to drive and promote cultural factors through monetary means, for many companies these methods are no longer a viable option.

However, a number of highly valuable techniques do exist to allow companies to achieve these same goals without the use of monetary incentives and all it takes is a small amount of time and effort on the part of managers to step up and form new habits which will effectively motivate employees by improving their workplace experience in order to make them feel more valued, more at ease, and like more of a contributing member of the organization. To guide these efforts, executive search firms have compiled these five pro tips on habits managers should adopt in order to develop a stronger culture capable of driving employee motivation and success.

First, while people may hate being given orders, they do enjoy feeling as though they are working under their own volition to help their companies achieve its goals. Therefore, as opposed to telling employees what to do, managers should instead share the company vision with their employees, showing them what needs to be done and then allowing those individuals to find their own way to make those goals a reality. These efforts can be gently guided by the manager who, instead of giving direction, should ask questions about their employees’ methods and open a one on one discussion goaled towards finding the most efficient way of achieving success.

Next, managers should keep in mind that competition and simple acknowledgment can go a long way towards the motivation of employees. In order to play on these points, manages need only device a system by which their employees’ successes are recognized by the company and some type of scoring system set up and kept up with in such a way that everyone will be able to see it and keep track of their progress. This can be as simple as setting up a whiteboard in the office to keep score on.

Also, when the company is doing well and meeting their goals, it is important that the employees are able to see this and to be shown that all their hard work and effort are appreciated. On the other hand, when failures occur and expectations are not met, these standings should be shared with the employees as well. It is important to the cohesiveness of the organization that everyone be allowed to share in not only the company’s successes, but in their disappointments as well.

Lastly, sometimes it is just important that people be allowed to cut loose, relax, and celebrate. In this vein, simple events and parties should be organized to celebrate everything from employee birthdays to holidays, and everything in between. Throw company picnics and happy hours just to give employees a chance to relax and demonstrate that their hard work is appreciated. Used successfully, all these techniques can help to build a corporate culture in which monetary gains are not the only rewards employees look forward to. Not only that but such a culture can be used as an employee retention, executive search, and hiring tool as well.

Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.  

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