
Executives, Your Greatest ROI is Becoming a Dynamic Recruiter

By Maurice Gilbert

Here are some alarming dynamics most executives admit:

Most will admit that their hiring decisions are about a 50 % success ratio
Most agree that hiring is a top priority
Most say that they do not like the process of hiring and don’t invest much time in the process
What needs to be done by the busy executive to create a more consistent hiring success ratio?

Our most effective executives do these things to partner with our firm in the hiring process:

1. Take an active role in the Kickoff Meeting……this is a meeting in which key stakeholders in the hire get to participate in developing the profile of the professional candidate

We direct the participants to think of what they want the professional to accomplish the first year on the job……we use this as a tool in evaluating candidates based on their past accomplishments which is a better barometer of future success than arbitrary criteria like: 15 years of experience in …….
2. Take an active role is screening candidate profiles submitted……this facilities getting feedback to make adjustments and there are always adjustments to be made…..remember hiring top talent is a process, not a static event

3. Take an active role in the interviewing process early rather than wait towards the end…..the earlier the hiring authority can meet with top candidates the better ….. it gives him an opportunity to assess the strength of the candidate and present a compelling story as to why the candidate should continue to evaluate the opportunity ….. 2 way street

4. Verify that HR professionals involved in screening understand how to find the right balance in capturing information and also delivering a compelling story to recruit. I often find this to be a weak link in the recruiting chain. Too often HR professionals believe top candidates will just beat a path to their door and lose sight that top talent needs to be courted; there is a significant shortage of top talent available.

Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.  

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