Time changes everything, including the way a project manager does his or her job. The fundamental aspects of project management have not changed because diligence, fluid communication skills, exact negotiating abilities, powerful motivators and effective decision-making are still expected. But some things have changed, making these professionals more of a necessity.
The Importance of a Project Manager in the Workplace
A company or business is usually bogged down with several duties that rarely give the leaders time to restructure or introduce something new. Introducing a new product or service is necessary to keep a company fresh and competitive. It is here where a project manager can be useful.
The purpose of this professional is to carry the load and make sure a concept is enacted in time. The manager will oversee the project from beginning to end. He or she will initiate the plan by consulting with leaders and discovering in-house talent that will get the job done. The process will move into the planning stage where budgets are set, along with deadlines. The manager will then simply make sure that the project is executed as planned. He or she will be ready to adjust the schedule should issues arise and will resolve them, too.
Each Manager Is Unique
There are four types of managers to choose from, with each having their own sets of benefits. One is The Explorer, bold and exciting. Another is The Coordinator, usually very aware of any issues and adamant on solving them. The third type of manager is very Goal-Oriented. What he or she wants is precision and timeliness. The fourth type is The Administrator, whose goal is always to keep stability and optimization, reducing the chance for errors.
A Closer Look at the Project Management Industry
The job outlook for project managers is great. It is estimated that there will be around 6.2 million jobs available in the year 2020. This is evident because the demand for project managers in the United States has risen by 12 percent.
It is definitely a great time for project managers and project management hopefuls.
Brandeis University M.S. in Project and Program Management Online