By: Maurice Gilbert, Managing Partner of Conselium Executive Search
The top five ways to build your team include:
1. Hiring the best talent: Too often when we select new talent, the focus is on evaluating the professional for the immediate job. In recruiting for top business leaders, my experience has been that they evaluate a prospective hire on their ability to align with the current role, but also on their long-term potential and their desire to grow their career.
2. Creating trust with your staff: To build trust, you have to get to know your people and demonstrate a level of genuine caring about them, their family and their career. I personally have also found it beneficial to break down barriers by sharing information about my family and my own career goals. I believe that if I make the initial effort to entrust staff with information related to me, then it sets a tone that they in turn can trust me.
3. Developing your staff: Look to set up a career development plan with each of your staff. This needs to be tailored each individual’s unique career growth aspirations.
4. Developing your team: Team development is driven greatly by you putting the right talent in the right positions within your team. Top leaders also tend to make sure that the composition of the team is diverse in education, ethnicity, experience, etc. Diversity brings different perspectives to an issue, and it is this healthy tension/exploration that brings about fresh solutions.
5. Developing more leaders and fewer followers: We are now entering an era where we will have a shortage of top managerial leaders. For your organization to succeed, it is imperative that you develop some of your direct reports to be the next leaders of your company. Succession planning is your responsibility; it does not reside with someone in the human resources department.
Maurice Gilbert is Managing Partner of Conselium Executive Search, which specializes in placing Compliance Officers and Legal Counsel for clients in the U.S., Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific. Maurice is also CEO of Corporate Compliance Insights, a worldwide publication devoted to governance, risk and compliance issues. Maurice can be reached at maurice@conselium.com or maurice@corporatecomplianceinsights.com.