
Telecommuting: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?

By June 17, 2013 No Comments

As the CEO of an executive search firm, I’m usually in my office every day. That may seem odd to some, given that my main goal is to place potential hires with new companies. You might think I’d be out networking and cultivating relationships all day.

Ah, such is life. But I thought about something I’ve touched on before: telecommuting. It’s unavoidable, and it’s here to stay. With options like Skype, tele-conferencing and the like, it’s almost easier to do so. You’ll reduce overhead and make certain employees happier.

While that’s definitely worth considering, my main concern is it will reduce physical face-to-face contact. While video conferencing may seem like you are interacting, it’s my opinion that you may not be. The physical connection and synergy that occur in a workspace can’t be duplicated on a strictly-telecommute basis. Part of the reason I love coming to work is being around my coworkers. We bounce ideas around, joke around (I know, I know) but most important, we work hard. We are in one place for a reason—to give executive-level recruits the same opportunities that we enjoy.

I don’t want to discount the notion of telecommuting completely. I’ve known plenty of people who thrive in those types of positions. I simply want to push the idea that we shouldn’t give up having a steady core of in-house companionship. Maybe the best way to approach this type of organization is to ask your employees (whose jobs are suitable for a remote approach) if they would prefer to. This eliminates confusion, right? Re-evaluate their happiness and productivity at regular intervals to determine what’s best for them and the organization.

Recruiter.com recently featured an op-ed on telecommuting, and I think it’s something we should all pay more attention to as it plays a larger role in corporate culture.

Still, though, nothing beats a good day like a good laugh with coworkers. Decide what suits your needs, and you’ll still have the best office environment possible.

Published by Conselium Executive Search, the global leader in compliance search.  

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